Artist Statement

My visual and theoretical research investigates the correspondences between spirituality, the natural realm, humanity, and the cosmos, focused on vibration, the spirit, and transcendence as dialogical concepts between these fields. Through printmaking, I attempt to make substance of something that in its essence is transient, fleeting, or intangible, through amorphous figures that resemble the microcosm and macrocosm simultaneously. I’m currently experimenting with imagery pertaining to nature, and exploring the visual parallelisms between the human body and natural life.

A matrix is akin to Plato's realm of Ideas, and the printed image shadows inside the cave, the print is only a reflection, a veil to the concepts and original images behind it. By abstracting images from the natural world, I seek to create visual associations that express how our universe is connected in unexpected ways, reflecting on the Hermetic concept of - As above, so below-. For this reason, I am currently predominantly working in intaglio printmaking, photography, and video as a means of thinking through an image in various steps, manipulating source material, dissecting, and transforming it, wherein each mark diverges from the original source and intertwines with another. Exploring the synthetic and the digital allows me to interpret the sublime within nature, as the digital realm is not limited by size or space.

In a world full of individualism it is essential that humans expand their sense of self into a connected world. If we acknowledge the interconnection of all things we might just achieve harmony with the world we inhabit and with one another.

Using Format