Untitled, 2022, dye transfer hardground and softground etching, 26 x 15 cm
Close up Untitled, 2022
Untitled, 2022, color variation, dye transfer hardground and softground etching, 26 x 15 cm, edition 1/5
Shadows (1), 2022, dye transfer and aquatint on paper, 30 x 40 cm
Shadows (2), 2022, dye transfer and aquatint on paper, 30 x 40 cm
Shadows (1,2), diptych view, 2022, dye transfer and aquatint on paper, 30 x 40 cm (each)
Chaos (red), 2023, screen etch resist on paper, 38 x 28 cm
Chaos (black), 2023, screen etch resist on paper, 38 x 28 cm
Chaos (2), 2023, screen etch resist on paper, 38 x 28 cm